On Pitching Your Work: How to Not Take It Pesonally


The best time to update your blog is when work is piling up like it has never been before.

The best part about creating a piece of art, is the “getting the idea” part. You know, when the lightbulb starts to pop up on top of your head.

And then you start the process. Pick up any tools you have in hand. And start doing it.

Rushing art

You can’t rush art

Well not just art though. In whatever we do, things shouldn’t be rushed through.

But you know there’s this thing called reality. So yeah. You just have to rush it.

And then it finishes. You feel good. But at the same time can’t help yourself from knowing what’s going to come next.

Feedback time.

“Guys what do you think about this?Any comments? Feedbacks?”

This is actually the best part. Because it’s the easiest one. You’ll get tonnes of them in no time.

And here comes the main point of this entry. I’ve seen a lot of people, when getting feedbacks, tend to get a little bit personal. Well who doesn’t?

Say, you spent your last 5 years crunching your brain just for you to sit and pass an exam, and you got 10As and 1Bs. What’s the usual question people will get?


“Apa yang B?”

Funny but its true. And is that a bad thing?

No dear. It ain’t a bad thing. ‘Ajaban lil amril mukmin, inna amrahu kullahu lahu khair

If it ain’t broke. Don’t fix it

Hence all the comments on things that “broke”.

That’s why we need these comments and feedbacks, regardless of their constructiveness. All of them.

Here’s a few tips on how to handle these, feedbacks:

  • Bear in mind that you don’t have to incorporate all of them. Chances are you’ll never will be able to do so. Because if every single person in this world have the same idea on things, we would be living in a very boring world. So just swallow them, and don’t forget to smile.
  • When pitching works, make sure you gave them more than one sample, with a slight variety. Say, if you hand in a banner design, maintain the main concept, and change the background color, lighting, font size et cetera in each of them. This way, subtly we are actually forcing the back of their mind to accept “ok this was the idea, it’s all in 3 of this design, so I need to keep this.”. The cons are people will tend to look on the changes that we made, and may ignore the things that we keep constant across the samples. But don’t worry. People are very good in giving comments, so yeah they wouldn’t miss it I guess.
  • Make sure you gather as much feedback as possible before making those changes. You don’t want to go back and forth altering your designs. You know like when you try to open up Adobe Photoshop in your obsolete laptop with only 2 usb ports which takes about a minute to load. “Ok photoshop is up and running. Now I just have to move this picture slightly 3 pixels to the left. And that’s it. Can’t believe this job was this easy.”
  • Gather feedbacks from as many people as possible, and try to identify your real target audiences. Focus more on this type of people. Category can be of their age, their environment, or even the current trend.
  • Make some notes on the people that you ask feedback from. Some kind of feedback can only be extracted from some special people. You know like the 3-pixels-to-the-left kinda thing.

So all in all, it teaches you a lot of thing. This is also a tarbiyyah. And it is small matter only. I bet no one’s here ever got thrown by rocks and dungs as a sort of feedback eh? “Design ko tak lawa nah amik nih!”

So relax lah.

Dipetik daripada: http://www.rusmanarief.com/blog/

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